Monthly Quantum Remote Healing Series


Monthly Ancestral Healing Series is Back!!

Receive Deep Healing and Resolution and Experience an Expanded Bandwidth for Freedom and Joy in you Life

Join me in the realm of the Miraculous for 4 Remote Deep Healing & Clearing Sessions per month!

(Find out more on Ancestral Healing HERE!)

Quantum High Frequency healing is a deep, powerful way to clear lifetimes of accumulated residue, debris, pain, trauma, resistance, defense mechanisms and anything else we’d label as an energy ‘block’ from your system.

While diving deep into the clearings I’ll teach you how to tap into the field, breath into your own Buddhic or Christed or Soulful self (use the language that suits you) to suspend judgement/resistance long enough to allow the blocked/held energy to release. This is dual powerful approach to energy healing in the quantum field. The result is an unblocking where you were feeling blocked. Expansion and space where you were feeling limited in your life. An overall lightness and expanded bandwidth in your life. A deep sense of peace. More energy is released into your system so you can put it towards what you want to manifest in your life.

Each week you’ll receive a link to access a live web-cast clearing event with me! Join from your computer, cell phone, or home phone.

Each week we’ll be clearing around various topics including, health, money, purpose, freedom, family paradigms, having, personal growth, love, self worth, connection etc.

All you have to do is sign on, tune in and receive the energy. During each call there will be a Q&A portion where attendees will have an opportunity to “raise their hands” to ask specific questions or receive specific clearings on what’s coming up for them. Although each week will have a specific topic of focus, the clearings can affect all areas of your life. If you can’t attend the live call, no worries, you’ll receive a link to the replay which will stay up all month.

The work is just a powerful even through the replay.

During Each Call You Receive:

  • Multiple Clearings on a specific topic- each call is also tailored to what the group brings energetically

  • Valuable Insight and Knowledge

  • The opportunity each week to work with me (time limited to the number of attendees)

  • Access to all the replays for the entire month so you can listen and get the clearings as many times as you wish

  • Clear years and lifetimes of accumulated debris, trauma, debt, pains, limitations, and burden from your field

    Quantum Healing is based on the spiritual law of ‘ask and you shall receive’ and offers profound shifts in consciousness. This type of Divine healing can access and clear energy multidimensionally including:

    Soul records and soul programs

    Inherited ancestral patterns

    Unresolved past life issues

    Hidden ego agendas

    Sabotages and conflicts

    Blocked energy in the subtle bodies and chakras

    Fear programs

    Interference energies including entities

    Physical mental and emotional imbalances

    Blocked energy in the organs and glands

    Genetically encoded imprints

    Judgements and negative beliefs

    Shock and trauma.

    And many other fields of information that may be causing distortion or wobble in you own field.

    It can also facilitate the

    Regeneration and rejuvenation of your cells

    Enhance brain functions and integration

    Stabilization of hydration and dehydration in the body

    Balancing of the body’s nutrition and biochemistry

    Harmonizing and alignment of your energy bodies and chakras.

    Balancing the five elements

    And much more…


    The next call series Begins October 8th at 11am!

    • Thursday Oct 13th 11am

    • Thursday Oct. 20th 11am

    • Thursday Oct. 27th 1am

      The series is $97 for all 4 live clearings!!

      (If you miss the start date you can still purchase the series, jump in, and get the replays for the dates you missed)

      If you’ve ever experienced the power of a private session, you will well appreciate the energetic value of these calls!