
Something I’m really good at is seeing what's off in people's bodies

I can see why their workouts aren't yielding the results they desire,
I can see why their body efforts (for health or body revivification) aren't working.
Why their muscles aren't toning
Why their skin isn't tightening
Why their butt's not lifting
Why their thighs won't change
Why they have cellulite
Why they aren't losing weight
Why their core isn't' changing
Why they feel thick or stiff
Why their posture is off
Why their skin isn't glowing
Why they have pain
Why they have imbalance
Why they are aging

Why they are stuck
Or yes, their health isn't improving

People are always asking and always surprised with the answers

I create change rapidly in my own body because I can see and feel deeply into things

I have shifted the landscape of my body over and over

I have undone time

Your body has a very unique way it desires to be moved, it's different for everyone. Are you tuned into that?
Your body has it's own unique structures that need to be activated
Your body has layers of compression that need decompression
Your body has layers of bound tissue that need to be unbound
Your body has layers of time built up that need to be broken through
Your body has a very unique way it needs to be unlocked
Your body has an incredible potential, always

All of this determines the success you'll have with your body

If your efforts aren't working, or not working fast enough, then something’s off

My power is to see this “off” energy and how to correct it so that your body shifts rapidly

If you want my eyes on your body, you can book a Body By Design Experience

-->A private one-on-one consult with me to take a thorough assessment of your unique body and see what's off
We'll custom create a specialized routine for your body, or add to your current one (based on your goal or pain point with your body).
++plus you'll get 14 days of private coaching as you start doing the things exactly how I've mapped them out for you.

5 spots open

Consult Only $300

Consult with customized Resolution $1777

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